Mageia - How to install Minecraft?

Minecraft, the popular sandbox game ,developed by Markus Persson. The world of Minecraft is composed of blocks of different types (earth, sand, stone, water, trees, animals, etc..). Minecraft is basically a survival type game, where the player can change change the world at will by adding, deleting and combining blocks. The main feature of the game lies in the dynamic creation of the world: each map is randomly generated gradually as the player advances. However the landscape remains coherent and composed of several biomes (forests, prairies, deserts, jungles, tundras, taigas and swamps). Minecraft currently offers different game modes (including multiplayer instances):






In this Mageia tutorial you will learn how to install Minecraft.


Your PC must meet the following hardware requirements http://minecraft.gamepediaom/Hardware_requirement

Update Mageia

Root Password

Java (openjdk is not recommended)

Internet connection

A Minecraft account (free registration)


As from Mageia 3, java (oracle) is no longer available in the repositories. Only java-openjdk-xxx (where xxx is the version) is available.

You can try with OpenJDK or Oracle Java.


You can download the game here: httpsinecrafet/en-us/download.

It is a small .jar file.

file. To facilitate access to the game you can rename it as inecraft and save it in your /home directory.

and save it in your /home directory. This will give the following path " /home/$USERinecraft/ "(the dot in front means it is a hidden folder and it is also the default folder to store game data)

"(the dot in front means it is a hidden folder and it is also the default folder to store game data) Make the Minecraft file executable: right-click > Properties.


You can install Java from this address: https://www.javaom/en/download/manual.jsp.

Download the RPM:

Linux RPM for 32bits

Linux x64 RPM for 64bits

Once installed, restart your computer.

Start the game

To start the game simply type the following command in the terminal:

cd /home/$USERinecraft ; java -jar minecraft.jar

You can create a shortcut to launch the game easily.

Create a text file on your desktop and called the "".

In the text file:


cd /home/$USERinecraft ; java -jar minecraft.jar

Then make the file executable > right-click > Properties.

Troubleshoot bugs and common issues

Several bugs are known from Minecraft such as "Done Loading" blocked or the "Black Screen".

To avoid this, download and install LWJGL.

You will get information here: https://minecraft.gamepediaom/Tutorials/Update_LWJGL_(Legacy).

Download latest version here.

Once downloaded, you will have to copy some files to your Minecraft folder:


-> minecraft.jar

You will see a "bin" folder and the "natives" subfolder (if they are not present, you can create them manually)


Copy the contents of lwjgl to your Minecraft folder.

Only the Jar and Native/Linux folder are required, copy them to:

Contents of Jar => in bin

Content of native/linux => natives

You should have the following screen:

Restart the game and it should work correctly

Hunter Jones

Hunter Jones

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