Have you ever hoped a celebrity could say hello to your friend on Christmas, or wish your kiddo a happy birthday? Often, we love to imagine a professional football player, actor, or musician – any great influencer, really – sending a personal message our way! In real life, however, those experiences happen few and far in between, if ever…

Unless you use Cameo ! For a variable fee, you can ask celebrities to create shoutouts for yourself and others.
Now, let’s face the elephant in the room: there are a lot of people who think paying for a shoutout feels wonky, like buying photos and signatures from artists or actors at a Comic Convention. No worries, we have an answer.
The long version goes: most millennials prefer buying experiences over stuff because the memories last longer. Why not experience a positive message from someone you or your recipient looks up to? Nothing wrong with that!
Here’s the short version:
Using Cameo
Signup is your average rigamarole. Name, email, password, that kinda deal. Nice and easy, thankyoukindly!

Finding your celebrity
Now, it’s time to look for a celebrity, one of the fun parts.
The front page of Cameo displays the most recent top picks, from retired sports heroes like quarterback Brett Favre to actors like the guy who played Draco Malfoy ( Tom Felton ) to active-duty pseudo-celebs like Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi . Just remember: the more popular folks here will cost more: a shoutout from Favre and Snooki go for $500 and $300, respectively. (No worries, most others are around $25.)
If you’re looking for something else, head to the exciting and expansive Talent Page .
There’s a lot to find! As you can see there are a few ways to search: either type in specific names in the designated search bar, scroll through by category on the left, or simply peruse down the entire column and see who sticks out. And almost without fail, someone will stick out. (Sorry, Andy Dick. Not you.)
When you find your celeb of choice, click their picture and check out their profile: you’ll see a picture by their name, a biography below, and three of their past cameos beneath that. Take your time and you’ll find something great!
(While going through the list, you may notice a trend: many alumni of “The Bachelor” are in up for grabs. “Real Housewives,” the WWE, and most major sports are represented, too. Pretty cool, huh?)
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Booking a shoutout
Found your celebrity? Awesome!
Let’s say it was Kyle Massey. You know, Corey? From the Disney show Corey in the house? That awesome dude.
To the right of the profile, you’ll find the cameo booking window:
Make sure to add the video’s recipient so the celeb will say their name, along with the phone number/email you want the resulting video sent to. Then, put your instructions on the final line! If you want to keep the video secret – it’s your choice – there’s a box you can check at the end.
After this, enter your payment info, click “Book Now”, and you’re good to go!
Welcome to Cameo
Congratulations on your first Cameo booking, we hope you enjoy the result or at the very least enjoy someone else enjoying the result! Also, if you’re into social media, film the reaction and post it online; you may find your video featured on Cameo’s Instagram page .
Thanks for reading, and have a ball!
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